Four less than 1/3 of a number is 8

1/3 x -4+4=8+4 3x12==36
36: 3=8

1/3 x -4+4=8+4

3x =36

To solve the equation, "Four less than 1/3 of a number is 8," we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Let's assume the number is "x."
Step 2: We are given that "Four less than 1/3 of a number" is the same as "8." So, we can write the equation as:
(1/3)x - 4 = 8
Step 3: To simplify the equation, we first add 4 to both sides to isolate the term involving "x":
(1/3)x - 4 + 4 = 8 + 4
(1/3)x = 12
Step 4: To remove the fraction, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 3:
3 * (1/3)x = 3 * 12
x = 36

Therefore, the number is 36. Let's check our result.

1/3 of 36 is 12. Now, subtracting 4 from 12 gives us 8, which matches the given condition. Hence, our answer is correct.