What is the geologic time scale and what are some thing scientists use it for (at least two things)?

Here's my answer could you please verify.

the geologic time scale is a record of the geologic events and life forms in Earth’s history. Scientists use it to understand the past and figure out how the earth progressed.

What are unconformities? I don't really understand the definition that I have (a rock or sediment surface separating two layers of different ages)

What is the relative age of rocks?
I'm pretty sure it's just the age of a rock compared to other rocks but i think i need more detail.

Thank you.

Oh and last thing is how does half-life work

Your answer about the geologic time scale is correct. It accurately describes it as a record of geologic events and life forms in Earth's history, and scientists do use it to understand the past and the progression of Earth.

Regarding unconformities, your definition is accurate but could benefit from further explanation. An unconformity is a geological feature that represents a period of time during which deposition of sediment or rock formation stopped, resulting in a gap in the rock record. It is typically characterized by an erosional surface separating two layers of different ages. Unconformities provide evidence of past geological events such as erosion, uplift, or non-deposition, and they can help scientists reconstruct the sequence of events in Earth's history.

Regarding the relative age of rocks, your understanding is correct. Relative age refers to the age of a rock or geologic feature compared to the ages of other rocks or features. It provides information about the chronological order of events, such as which rock formed before or after another. Relative age can be determined through various methods, including the principles of stratigraphy (the study of rock layers) and the analysis of cross-cutting relationships (the study of geologic features that cut across others).

Overall, your understanding and explanations of these geological concepts are accurate. Well done!