Evaluate the function when x=1. f(x)=4x-2. Write the input and output as a set of ordered pairs, and identify the domain and range of the ordered pair.

Ordered Pair:

2. Write an equation of direct variation that passes through the point (9,1).

what? Can't plug in a value for x and evaluate? For example,

f(23) = 4*23-2 = 90

direct variation means that y = kx
So, plug in the numbers and find k.

Hey becky, i've seen a lot of your answers and i noticed that you are also from connexus, doing the same year as i am. Maybe we could study together? :D I can make a discord server or something ^-^

Where did the 23 come into play?

To evaluate the function when x=1, we substitute x=1 into the function f(x)=4x-2:

f(1) = 4(1) - 2
f(1) = 4 - 2
f(1) = 2

Therefore, when x=1, the value of the function f(x) is 2.

To write the input and output as a set of ordered pairs, we can use the coordinates (1, 2), where 1 is the input (x) and 2 is the output (f(x)):

Ordered Pair: (1, 2)

The domain is the set of all possible input values. In this case, since we have only evaluated the function for x=1, the domain consists of only one value: {1}.

Domain: {1}

The range is the set of all possible output values. In this case, we have found that when x=1, the output (f(x)) is 2. Therefore, the range consists of only one value: {2}.

Range: {2}

Now, let's move on to the second question:

To write an equation of direct variation that passes through the point (9, 1), we can use the general equation of direct variation, which is y = kx, where k is the constant of variation.

Since the point (9, 1) is given, we can substitute x=9 and y=1 into the equation:

1 = k * 9

To solve for k, we divide both sides of the equation by 9:

1/9 = k

Therefore, the equation of direct variation that passes through the point (9, 1) is:

y = (1/9)x