if you choose to be a diplomat after college which of the following would be your primary job?

A)organizing military operations involving two or more countries
B)promoting a friendly and open relationship with another government
C)determine if another nation is a threat to world peace
D)develop policies of how the united states will deal with other countries*** is this correct (connections academy)

what is the answer then

No, not D. Diplomats don't write or develop policies in the US government.


Based on the link, I think it would be B?

is it right

Yes, if you choose to be a diplomat after college, your primary job would typically be to develop policies for how the United States will deal with other countries. Option D, "developing policies of how the United States will deal with other countries," aligns with the role of a diplomat.

To answer this question, it is important to understand the role of a diplomat, which is to represent a country's interests and promote diplomatic relations with other nations. Diplomats engage in diplomatic negotiations, develop policies, and build bridges between countries to foster diplomacy and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Therefore, the option D is correct in this scenario.