Can I use "one" for past tense in writing a technical paper such as engineering lab.

Ex. So one can see the rocks form.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your question. The pronoun "one" has nothing to do with the verb tense.

Your example does not use the past tense.

I am sorry its about third person

Yes, "one" is a third person pronoun.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

Using "one" as a subject in past tense sentences is generally not recommended in technical writing, especially for engineering papers. Instead, it is more common to use either the first person pronoun "I" or the passive voice.

For example, instead of saying "So one can see the rocks form," you could write:

"I observed the formation of the rocks."

Alternatively, you could use the passive voice:

"The rocks were observed to form."

Using the active voice and specifying the person responsible for the observation or action tends to make technical writing more precise and directly attributing the work to the author. However, it's important to follow the guidelines set by your institution or the journal you are submitting to, as some may have specific requirements regarding the use of personal pronouns.