4.  In the _______ theory of motivation, _______ motivation is to satisfaction provided by activities that are their own reward as _______ motivation is to satisfaction derived from the reward for some kind of behavior, such as money or status. 

A. cognitive; intrinsic; extrinsic
B. drive-reduction; dependent; autonomous
C. cognitive; autonomous; dependent
D. drive-reduction; extrinsic; intrinsic

5.   In the context of intellectual disability, the great majority of people so challenged are classified as being _______ ed. 
A. severely
B. variably
C. mildly
D. moderately
6.   According to _______ approaches to motivation, each person strives to maintain a certain level of stimulation and activity. 
A. drive-reduction
B. instinct
C. homeostasis
D. arousal

4. In order to answer this question, you need to understand the different theories of motivation and the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

The correct answer is A. cognitive; intrinsic; extrinsic. In the cognitive theory of motivation, cognitive factors play a key role in determining motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to the satisfaction provided by activities that are their own reward, such as personal enjoyment or a sense of accomplishment. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, refers to motivation that is driven by external rewards or incentives, such as money or status.

To arrive at this answer, you must first recall the different theories of motivation. Once you understand that the question is referring to the cognitive theory, you then need to determine the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation within that theory. By understanding that intrinsic motivation is related to activities being their own reward and extrinsic motivation is related to external rewards, you can match the options and find the correct answer.

5. To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the different levels of intellectual disability classifications.

The correct answer is C. mildly. In the context of intellectual disability, individuals are often classified into different levels of severity based on their intellectual functioning. The classification ranges from mild to severe, with mild being the most common classification for the majority of people with intellectual disabilities.

To answer this question, you would need to understand the different levels of intellectual disability and recall that the great majority of people with intellectual disabilities are classified as mildly ed.

6. This question requires you to be familiar with different approaches to motivation and how they explain individuals' striving for a certain level of stimulation and activity.

The correct answer is D. arousal. According to arousal approaches to motivation, individuals strive to maintain a certain level of stimulation and activity. Arousal refers to the state of alertness and activation of the individual's physiological and psychological systems. People seek to maintain an optimal level of arousal, not too high or too low, to achieve a sense of balance and satisfaction.

To answer this question, you would need to understand the different approaches to motivation and recall that arousal approaches explain individuals' striving for a certain level of stimulation and activity.