Which influences helped the most to create a lasting, stable Constitution?

Paragraph 1 – introduction of historical influences of Constitution and thesis statement
Paragraph 2 – source 1 (philosopher) and contribution to lasting, stable Constitution
Paragraph 3 – source 2 (document) and contribution to lasting, stable Constitution
Paragraph 4 – source 3 (event) and contribution to lasting, stable Constitution
Paragraph 5 – conclusion: restate thesis and main ideas

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

Just with tips and facts

Start with paragraph 2. Which philosopher have you chosen? Research him and take notes.

Paragraph 3: Which document did you choose? Read it over several times. Research commentary on it.


Sure! Here's an outline for your essay on the influences that helped create a lasting, stable Constitution:

I. Introduction
- Introduce the historical influences on the Constitution
- Include a clear thesis statement stating the main influences

II. Source 1: Philosopher's Contribution
- Discuss the ideas and theories put forth by a specific philosopher (e.g., John Locke, Montesquieu)
- Explain how these philosophical contributions influenced the creation of a lasting, stable Constitution
- Provide examples of specific concepts or principles that were adopted

III. Source 2: Document's Contribution
- Identify a significant document that contributed to the creation of the Constitution (e.g., English Bill of Rights, Magna Carta)
- Explain the specific elements or principles within this document that influenced the Constitution's stability and longevity
- Discuss how these concepts were incorporated into the Constitution

IV. Source 3: Event's Contribution
- Highlight a specific historical event that impacted the creation of a lasting, stable Constitution (e.g., American Revolution, Constitutional Convention)
- Detail the significant outcomes or changes that resulted from this event and how they shaped the Constitution
- Emphasize how this event contributed to the stability and endurance of the Constitution

V. Conclusion
- Restate the thesis statement and summarize the main points made in each paragraph
- Highlight the combined impact of these influences on the creation of a lasting, stable Constitution
- Conclude with a final thought or reflection on the ongoing relevance of these influences today

Remember, this is just an outline to help organize your thoughts and structure your essay. You should further develop each paragraph by providing evidence and analysis to support your claims.