order these numbers from least to greatest.

3/20, 45%, 1/5, 7.5%, 27.5%

convert all to decimals; then it is much easier.

put these numbers in order least to greatest -0.7, 3/5, 5/8, 45%

To order these numbers from least to greatest, we need to convert them all into the same format. Let's start by converting the percentages into decimals.

45% can be written as 0.45 (since 45% is equivalent to 0.45 as a decimal)
7.5% can be written as 0.075 (since 7.5% is equivalent to 0.075 as a decimal)
27.5% can be written as 0.275 (since 27.5% is equivalent to 0.275 as a decimal)

Now let's compare the fractions and decimals:

1/5 is equivalent to 0.2 (since 1 divided by 5 is 0.2 as a decimal)
3/20 is equivalent to 0.15 (since 3 divided by 20 is 0.15 as a decimal)

Now, let's order the numbers from least to greatest:

0.15, 0.2, 0.275, 0.45

The order from least to greatest is:
3/20 (0.15), 1/5 (0.2), 27.5% (0.275), 45% (0.45)

So, the numbers in order from least to greatest are 3/20, 1/5, 27.5%, 45%.