The scale on a map of Canada is 1: 8000000. The distance from Prince George, B.C., to Fredericton, N.B., is 5320 km. What is the distance between these 2 places on this map?

1cm : 8000000cm = 1cm : 80km

so, the map distance will be

(5320/80) cm = 66.5 cm

To determine the distance between Prince George, B.C., and Fredericton, N.B., on the map with a scale of 1:8000000, you can use the scale ratio.

The scale ratio indicates that 1 unit on the map represents 8000000 units in real life. In this case, the unit in real life is kilometers (km).

Given that the actual distance between the two places is 5320 km, you can calculate the distance on the map using the scale ratio:

Distance on map = actual distance / scale ratio

Distance on map = 5320 km / 8000000

Calculating this gives us:

Distance on map = 0.000665 km

So, the distance between Prince George, B.C., and Fredericton, N.B., on this map with a scale of 1:8000000 is approximately 0.000665 km.

To find the distance between Prince George, B.C., and Fredericton, N.B., on the map with a scale of 1:8000000, you can use the formula:

Distance on Map = Actual Distance / Scale

In this case, the actual distance between Prince George and Fredericton is given as 5320 km.

Substituting the values into the formula:
Distance on Map = 5320 km / 8000000
Distance on Map ≈ 0.000665 km

Therefore, the distance between Prince George and Fredericton on this map is approximately 0.000665 km.