In how many ways the letters in BIOENGINEERING be arranged if B must not be next to the O.

Thanks in advance (is this correct answer 14!-(13!x2!)

easier to see the letters this way:


number of ways without restrictions
= 14!/(3!3!3!2!) = 201,801,600
(do you know why I am dividing by 3!3!3!2! ? )

let's put the BO together, could also be OB
let's treat that pair as one element
number of ways = 2(13!)/(3!3!3!2!) = 28,828,800

number of ways they are apart
= 201,801,600 - 28,828,800
= 172,972,800

Yes, your answer is correct. To find the number of ways the letters in BIOENGINEERING can be arranged if B must not be next to O, we can use the principle of inclusion-exclusion.

First, let's consider the total number of ways the letters can be arranged without any restrictions. Since there are 14 letters in total, the number of arrangements is 14!.

Now let's consider the case where B and O are together. We can treat B and O as a single entity. This reduces the problem to arranging the 13 entities (12 letters + 1 entity formed by B and O) in total. The number of arrangements in this case is 13!.

However, we need to exclude the arrangements where B is immediately next to O. To count those arrangements, we can treat the BO entity as a single entity. This reduces the problem to arranging the 12 entities (11 letters + 1 entity formed by BO) in total. The number of arrangements in this case is 12!.

Therefore, the number of arrangements where B is not next to O is given by 14! - (13! - 12!) = 14! - (13! x 2!).

So, the answer is 14! - (13! x 2!).

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of permutations. The total number of ways to arrange the letters in the word "BIOENGINEERING" without any restrictions is 14!.

Now, let's consider the case where the letters B and O are next to each other. We can treat "BO" as a single unit. This reduces the number of objects to arrange by 1 because "BO" is now considered as a single letter.

So, we have 13 objects to arrange: "BO", "I", "O", "E", "N", "G", "I", "N", "E", "E", "R", "I", "N", and "G". Among these, we have two "I"s, two "E"s, and two "N"s, so we need to divide by the factorial of each of these repeated letters.

Therefore, the number of arrangements with B and O next to each other is 13! / (2! * 2! * 2!).

To find the number of arrangements where B must not be next to O, we subtract the number of arrangements with B and O together from the total number of arrangements:

Number of arrangements = 14! - (13! / (2! * 2! * 2!))

So, your answer is correct. The number of ways to arrange the letters in "BIOENGINEERING" if B must not be next to O is 14! - (13! / (2! * 2! * 2!)).