Two cars leave the same place at the same time and travel in the same direction. One car is traveling at 65 mph, and the other car is traveling at 50 mph. How long will it take for the two cars to be 97.5 miles apart

65t -50t =97.5

15t = 97.5

divide by 15 to find time in hours

To find out how long it will take for the two cars to be 97.5 miles apart, we can use the concept of relative velocity.

The relative velocity is the difference between the velocities of the two cars. In this case, the relative velocity is the difference between 65 mph and 50 mph, which is 15 mph.

To calculate the time it takes for the two cars to be 97.5 miles apart, we need to divide the distance by the relative velocity:

Time = Distance / Relative Velocity

Time = 97.5 miles / 15 mph

To simplify this calculation, we convert the distance to the same unit as the velocity:

Time = (97.5 miles) / (15 miles per hour)

Time ≈ 6.5 hours

Therefore, it will take approximately 6.5 hours for the two cars to be 97.5 miles apart.