How many ways the letters in BIOENGINEERING be arranged if B must not be next to the O.

Thanks in advance (is this correct 14!-(13!x2!)

To find the number of ways the letters in "BIOENGINEERING" can be arranged such that the letter "B" is not next to the letter "O", we can use the principle of inclusion-exclusion.

Let's first consider the total number of possible arrangements if there were no restrictions. The word "BIOENGINEERING" consists of 14 letters, so there would be 14! (factorial) ways to arrange them.

Next, let's determine how many arrangements would have the letters "B" and "O" next to each other. To treat "BO" as a single entity, we can combine them and consider "BOO" as one letter. So, we have "B, BOO, I, N, G, I, N, E, E, R, I, N, G". Now, we have 13 "letters" that can be arranged in 13! ways. However, within the "BOO," the "O" can be placed on either side of the "B," so we need to multiply this by 2! (the number of ways to arrange two "O"s), resulting in 13! × 2!.

Now, using the principle of inclusion-exclusion, we subtract the number of arrangements with "B" and "O" next to each other from the total number of arrangements without any restrictions:

Total arrangements without restrictions - arrangements with "B" and "O" next to each other
= 14! - (13! × 2!)

Therefore, your calculation of 14! - (13! × 2!) is correct. The result will give you the number of ways the letters in "BIOENGINEERING" can be arranged if "B" must not be next to "O".