The resolution of "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" shows Mitty ___________.

realizing for the first time that his wife is a good person.

dying in a car accident while daydreaming.

imagining that he is bravely facing a fire squad.

finally getting over his habit of daydreaming. <-i chose this

What narrative point of view does "The Secret Life of Mitty" use, and how can you tell?

It is an omniscient third-person point of view because the story shows Mitty's fantasies. <_i feel its this one

It is an omniscient third-person point of view because the narrator knows what all the characteristics think.

It is a limited third-person point of view because the narrator uses the pronoun / to describe himself.

It is a limited third-person point of view because the narrative shows only Mitty's experiences and thoughts. <-i also feel this could be an answer

And you think ... ?

I put an arrow where I think the answers are

Your first answer is incorrect.

You have two answers for the second... why?

I think you need to re-read the story. It's not very long.

at the end of after twenty years silky bob realizes that the first policeman was his old friend jimmy. How does this make him feel?

To determine the correct answer for the resolution of "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," you would need to read or watch the story. However, based on the options provided, it seems that the resolution of the story shows Mitty finally getting over his habit of daydreaming. This implies that he has become more present and engaged in reality.

Regarding the narrative point of view used in "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," the correct answer is "It is a limited third-person point of view because the narrative shows only Mitty's experiences and thoughts." This is because the story focuses on Mitty's perspective and does not delve into the thoughts or experiences of other characters. The use of the pronoun "he" or "Mitty" throughout the narrative supports this interpretation.