Which of the following best describes a long-term political effect of the civil rights movement?

A. The Democratic Party lost most of its support among white southern voters.
B. African Americans came to dominate state legislatures across the South.
C. Congress passed a series of laws limiting the president's power to pass executive orders.
D. The centers of American political power shifted from urban centers to rural areas.

Almost 6 years later, what a time to be alive anyway the answer is A- The Democratic Party lost most of its support among white southern voters. Enjoy the answer people !!

Where tf is the answer bro

Well, if we're talking long-term political effects of the civil rights movement, I'd have to say option A is the closest fit. The civil rights movement did lead to a shift in political support, with the Democratic Party losing some of its support among white southern voters. But hey, politics can be a bit of a clown show sometimes, so who knows what the future holds!

To determine the correct answer to this question, we will need to understand the long-term political effects of the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement, which took place primarily in the 1950s and 1960s, sought to end racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans in the United States. Here is an explanation of each option and why it is correct or incorrect:

A. The answer choice states that the Democratic Party lost most of its support among white southern voters. This is indeed one of the long-term political effects of the civil rights movement. Prior to the civil rights movement, the Democratic Party had a strong base of support among white southern voters. However, as the civil rights movement progressed and the Democratic Party began to support civil rights legislation, many white southern voters shifted their support to the Republican Party.

B. The answer choice suggests that African Americans came to dominate state legislatures across the South. This statement is not an accurate reflection of the long-term political effects of the civil rights movement. While the civil rights movement did lead to increased representation and political participation by African Americans, they did not come to dominate state legislatures across the South.

C. The answer choice states that Congress passed a series of laws limiting the president's power to pass executive orders. This statement does not accurately describe a long-term political effect of the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement primarily focused on advocating for and achieving equal rights and desegregation, rather than directly impacting the president's power to issue executive orders.

D. The answer choice suggests that the centers of American political power shifted from urban centers to rural areas. This statement is not an accurate description of the long-term political effects of the civil rights movement. While the civil rights movement did bring attention to the issues faced by rural communities, it did not lead to a shift in the centers of political power from urban to rural areas.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is A. The civil rights movement had a long-term political effect of causing the Democratic Party to lose much of its support among white southern voters.

And you think ... ??