Use compatible numbers to find two estimates 1322÷18

1400 / 20

18divided by 1322

To use compatible numbers to estimate the division of 1322 by 18, we can round the numbers to the nearest multiples of 10 or 100 that are easy to divide mentally. Here's how:

1. Estimate the dividend (1322):
- The closest multiple of 10 is 1330.
- The closest multiple of 100 is 1300.

2. Estimate the divisor (18):
- The closest multiple of 10 is 20.

3. Perform the division using the estimated numbers:
- Divide the estimated dividend (1330) by the estimated divisor (20).
- 1330 ÷ 20 = 66.5.

So, the first estimated answer is 66.5.

4. Now, let's try another estimate using different compatible numbers:
- The closest multiple of 10 for the dividend is 1320.
- The closest multiple of 100 for the dividend is 1400.

5. The closest multiple of 10 for the divisor is still 20.

6. Perform the division using the new set of estimated numbers:
- Divide the new estimated dividend (1320) by the estimated divisor (20).
- 1320 ÷ 20 = 66.

The second estimated answer is 66.

Therefore, using compatible numbers, we can estimate that 1322 ÷ 18 is approximately between 66.5 and 66.