Convert 8 L/min to milliliter per second (mL/s) and the answer at ?

133.3 mL/s

1.333 mL/s

13.3 mL/s

0.5 mL/s


How did you get it

ok first u convert 8l to ML

then u multiply by 60

Hey bobby Fredrick I have another one can you please help me.

8 L/min

= 8000 ml / 60 seconds
= (8000/60) ml/s
= 400/3 ml/s or appr 133.3 ml/s

Homework Help: Math

Posted by Jenny on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 4:57pm.

Convert 5 lb/gal to ounces per quart (oz/qt). Round the answer to the nearest tenth if necessary
And the answer are?

0.3 oz/qt

20 Oz/qt

13 oz/qt

1.3 oz/qt

Do it the same way, I showed you the previous one.

1 lb = 16 oz
1 gallon = 4 qt

so 5 lb/gal
= 5(16) oz / 4 qt
= 5(16)/4 oz/qt
= 20 oz/qt

5lb/gal * 16oz/lb * 1gal/4qt = 20 oz/qt

To convert from liters per minute (L/min) to milliliters per second (mL/s), you need to keep in mind the conversion factors:

1 liter (L) = 1000 milliliters (mL)
1 minute (min) = 60 seconds (s)

First, convert liters to milliliters by multiplying by 1000:
8 L/min * 1000 mL/L = 8000 mL/min

Next, convert minutes to seconds by dividing by 60:
8000 mL/min / 60 s/min = 133.3 mL/s

Therefore, the correct answer is 133.3 mL/s.