When Mitch was learning to drive, he couldn’t imagine how he’d ever remember to steer the wheel, flip on the turn signal, step on the gas pedal, and still manage to keep the car on the road. Now that he has been driving for three years, Mitch’s reactions have become so automatic that, when he’s driving, __________ is/are involved.

A. nonconscious processes

B. convergent thinking

C. subconscious processes

D. divergent thinking

What does your text say?

The correct answer is C. subconscious processes.

To arrive at this answer, we first need to understand the concept of subconscious processes. Subconscious processes refer to mental processes that occur below the level of conscious awareness, where information is processed and actions are performed without deliberate thought.

In the given scenario, it is mentioned that Mitch has been driving for three years and his reactions have become automatic. This indicates that his actions while driving don't require conscious effort or active thinking. Instead, they are performed automatically and effortlessly. This aligns with the idea of subconscious processes.

To answer the question correctly, you could break down the options and consider the characteristics and context associated with each one:

A. Nonconscious processes: Nonconscious processes typically refer to biological functions like breathing or heartbeat, and are not directly related to driving. This option is not the best fit.

B. Convergent thinking: Convergent thinking refers to the ability to find a single correct answer to a problem. While driving may require problem-solving skills in certain situations, the main focus of the question is about the automatic nature of Mitch's driving. Convergent thinking is not the primary aspect involved in this scenario.

C. Subconscious processes: As explained earlier, subconscious processes involve automatic and effortless actions that occur without conscious thought. This aligns with the given scenario, making it the most appropriate answer.

D. Divergent thinking: Divergent thinking involves generating multiple solutions or ideas when faced with a problem. While it is possible that driving may require some level of divergent thinking in certain situations, it is not the most relevant aspect of the question and is not directly mentioned in the scenario.

Using the process of elimination, option C, subconscious processes, is the best answer that accurately reflects the automatic nature of Mitch's driving after three years of experience.