which is the best paraphrase of these lines from "January"?

Fat Snowy Footsteps
Track the floor,

A)Thick, snowy footprints show where animals walked
B)Thick, snowy outlines of feet mark the floor ******
C)Large snow boots lie on the floor of the house
D)A fat, snowy creature followed us into the house

I agree.

i think its b

B) Thick, snowy outlines of feet mark the floor

To determine the best paraphrase of the lines from "January," we need to analyze the original lines: "Fat Snowy Footsteps / Track the floor." These lines suggest that there are thick, snowy footprints on the floor.

Now let's evaluate each option:

A) "Thick, snowy footprints show where animals walked."
This option accurately captures the idea of thick, snowy footprints, but it doesn't specify whether animals or humans made them. Therefore, it is not the best paraphrase.

B) "Thick, snowy outlines of feet mark the floor."
This option closely conveys the idea of thick, snowy footprints and specifies that they are outlines of feet, making it the best paraphrase.

C) "Large snow boots lie on the floor of the house."
This option does not accurately represent the original lines. It mentions snow boots lying on the floor, which is a different concept from footprints tracking the floor.

D) "A fat, snowy creature followed us into the house."
This option introduces the idea of a creature, which is not mentioned in the original lines. Therefore, it does not accurately paraphrase the original lines.

Based on the analysis, the best paraphrase is option B) "Thick, snowy outlines of feet mark the floor."