Byong Sun withdraws $15 from his bank account once each day for four days. what integer represents the change in the amount in the account? find the integer that would represent the change in the amount in the account if Byong Su deposits $15 into his bank account once each day for four days. explain the difference between the integer for the withdrawals and the integer for the deposits.

Answer: 15*4= -60 I do not know when they ask the change the answer should be in whole number or can have the negative sign. Thank you.

To find the change in the amount in the account when Byong Sun withdraws $15 each day for four days, we need to calculate the total amount withdrawn.

To do this, we multiply the amount withdrawn each day ($15) by the number of days (4). So, 15 * 4 = -60.

The integer that represents the change in the amount in the account due to these withdrawals is -60. The negative sign indicates a decrease in the account balance.

Now, let's consider the situation when Byong Sun deposits $15 into his bank account once each day for four days.

To find the change in the amount in the account when Byong Sun makes these deposits, we once again calculate the total amount deposited.

We multiply the amount deposited each day ($15) by the number of days (4). So, 15 * 4 = 60.

The integer that represents the change in the amount in the account due to these deposits is 60. Since the deposits increase the account balance, there is no negative sign.

Therefore, the difference between the integer for the withdrawals (-60) and the integer for the deposits (60) lies in the direction of the change. The negative sign represents a decrease or withdrawal from the account, while the absence of a negative sign represents an increase or deposit into the account.