A car and a truck leave the park at the same time, heading in opposite directions. when they are 350 miles apart, the car has gone 70 miles further than the truck. How far has the car traveled?

Can someone please help me I am horrible in word problems

make a sketch

Draw a line showing the car going one way ending at A, and the truck going the other way ending at B.
So you know AB = 350
let the distance gone by the car be x miles, then
the distance gone by the truck must be 350-x miles

but the car has gone 70 miles more,
x - (350-x) = 70
x - 350 + x = 70
x = 210

state the conclusion

Of course! I can help you with this word problem.

Let's break down the information given:

1. A car and a truck leave the park at the same time, heading in opposite directions.
This means that the car and the truck are going away from each other.

2. When they are 350 miles apart, the car has gone 70 miles further than the truck.
This tells us that the car has traveled 70 miles more than the truck.

To solve this problem, we need to use basic algebra. Let's assume that the distance the truck has traveled is represented by 'x'. Since the car has traveled 70 miles further, the distance the car has traveled can be represented as 'x + 70'.

Now, we know that when they are 350 miles apart, the sum of the distances the car and truck have traveled is equal to 350 miles. Therefore, we can write an equation: x + (x + 70) = 350.

Now, we can solve the equation to find the value of 'x'. Let's simplify it:

2x + 70 = 350
2x = 350 - 70
2x = 280
x = 280 / 2
x = 140

So, we find that the distance the truck has traveled is 140 miles.

To find the distance traveled by the car, we can substitute this value of 'x' into the expression for the car's distance traveled: x + 70. Therefore, the car has traveled 140 + 70 = 210 miles.

So, the car has traveled 210 miles.