Bakery salary $24,000

Kitchen salary $26,000
Catering salary $30,000
Bar salary $30,000
Server/host $25,000

What department has the largest difference between the highest and lowest employee

We can't tell from that chart.

To determine the department with the largest difference between the highest and lowest employee salary, we need to find the difference between the highest and lowest salaries for each department and compare them.

Let's calculate the differences:

Bakery: $24,000 (highest) - $24,000 (lowest) = $0
Kitchen: $26,000 (highest) - $26,000 (lowest) = $0
Catering: $30,000 (highest) - $30,000 (lowest) = $0
Bar: $30,000 (highest) - $30,000 (lowest) = $0
Server/host: $25,000 (highest) - $25,000 (lowest) = $0

As we can see, all the departments have the same salaries for both their highest and lowest employees, resulting in a difference of $0. Therefore, all departments have the same largest difference between the highest and lowest employee salary, which is $0.