The First Amendment protects which rights? (Select 2)

- the right to own a gun
- the right to a fair trial **
- the right to practice a religion (or not) **
- the right to criticize the government
- the right of owning property


One of your answers is right.

Ok is the religion one right and is the next one to criticize the government?

Yes, now you're right.

Yay thank you

:-) You're welcome.

yall dumb

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects several important rights, but you are asked to select two from the given options. To determine the correct answers, let's examine each option:

1. The right to own a gun: While the Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, it is not protected by the First Amendment.

2. The right to a fair trial: This is a fundamental right protected by the First Amendment. However, it is important to note that fair trials are primarily protected by the Sixth Amendment, while the First Amendment focuses on freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition.

3. The right to practice a religion (or not): This is one of the key rights protected by the First Amendment. It ensures that individuals have the freedom to practice any religion of their choice, or the freedom to choose not to practice any religion at all, without interference from the government.

4. The right to criticize the government: This right is also protected by the First Amendment. It allows individuals to express their opinions, including criticism, towards the government and its officials without fear of retribution or censorship.

5. The right of owning property: The right to own property is not explicitly protected by the First Amendment. Property rights are usually covered by other constitutional provisions and laws.

Therefore, based on the options provided, the two rights protected by the First Amendment are the right to a fair trial and the right to practice a religion (or not).