Hi, okay so when I write in first person do I call myself "I" or "Cassidy"?

When you wrote the question. Did you Say Cassidy is confused on how to write in the first person or I am confused on how to write in the first person. Hope that helps.

First person uses "I."

I heard them talking, etc.

Thank you

You're welcome.

When writing in the first person, you can refer to yourself as either "I" or your name, which in this case is "Cassidy." Either option is acceptable, and the choice depends on your personal writing style or the specific context or purpose of your writing.

If you want to create a more personal and intimate tone, using "I" can contribute to a stronger sense of self-expression. This can be particularly useful when sharing personal experiences or expressing your thoughts and emotions in a more direct manner.

On the other hand, if you want to maintain a slightly more objective or distanced perspective, using your name, "Cassidy," can be appropriate. This approach is often seen in autobiographical or narrative writing styles. It can create a sense of detachment and allow readers to perceive the experiences through the lens of a distinct character.

Selecting between "I" and your name ultimately comes down to your writing goals and the overall tone you wish to convey. Experiment with both options to find what works best for your particular context and writing style.