can someone please help quick

Choose the correct simplification of the expression (3x)4
can you explain how you got your answer


Certainly! To simplify the expression (3x)^4, you need to raise the entire expression to the fourth power. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to do it:

1. Start by expanding the expression. Since (3x) is being raised to the fourth power, you need to multiply it by itself four times:
(3x)^4 = (3x)(3x)(3x)(3x)

2. Multiply the coefficients (the numbers outside the parentheses), which in this case is 3:
3 * 3 * 3 * 3 = 81

3. Multiply the variables inside the parentheses (x * x * x * x):
x * x * x * x = x^4 (x raised to the fourth power)

4. Combine the coefficient and variable:
81 * x^4 = 81x^4

So, the simplified expression for (3x)^4 is 81x^4.
If you have any further questions or need more explanation, feel free to ask!