here are some of the ingredients for bolognese sauce

400g minced beef
800g chopped tomatoes
600ml Stock
300ml red wine

Julie has only had 300g of minced beef how much of other ingredients should she use



sub to Erdz Shaho if it helped

300/400 = 3/4 = 0.75

She should use 3/4 of the other ingredients.

To determine how much of the other ingredients Julie should use, we need to calculate the ratio of the other ingredients to the minced beef.

1. Start by calculating the ratio of minced beef to the other ingredients:
- Dividing 400g minced beef by 300g yields a ratio of 1.33 (rounded to two decimal places).

2. Apply the ratio to the other ingredients:
- Multiply the ratio by the amount of chopped tomatoes, stock, and red wine.
- For chopped tomatoes: 1.33 x 800g = 1,064g (rounded to the nearest gram).
- For stock: 1.33 x 600ml = 798ml (rounded to the nearest milliliter).
- For red wine: 1.33 x 300ml = 399ml (rounded to the nearest milliliter).

Therefore, Julie should use approximately 1,064g of chopped tomatoes, 798ml of stock, and 399ml of red wine when using only 300g of minced beef. Remember to adjust the seasoning and other ingredients based on personal preference.

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