Please help.....

When something is thrown over a large distance (on earth ) what new factor comes into play?
1- The decrease in gravity over long distance
2- The increase in gravity over long distance
3- The tendency of thrown objects to fall to the ground
4- The difference between mikes and kilometers
5- The curvature of the earth

I guess an intercontinental ballistic rocket is something "thrown over a large distance (on earth)"

What a nutty question though :)

When something is thrown over a large distance on Earth, the new factor that comes into play is the curvature of the Earth.

To understand this concept, you can imagine that the Earth is not flat but rather a sphere. When you throw an object, it follows a curved path due to the gravitational force acting on it. As the object travels further and further, the curvature of the Earth becomes more noticeable.

So, the correct answer is option 5 - the curvature of the Earth.