help me integrate these

plz the answer is in infinte series

If y = ∑an x^n then

y' = ∑n an x^(n-1)
y' = 2x cos(x^2)

You know the power series for cos(u), so expand both and equate coefficients to get a recurrence relation.

google can show you lots of examples of solution by power series

To integrate sin(x^2)dx using an infinite series, we can use the Taylor series expansion of sin(x).

The Taylor series expansion of sin(x) is given by:

sin(x) = x - (x^3)/3! + (x^5)/5! - (x^7)/7! + ...

Let's substitute x^2 into the Taylor series expansion of sin(x):

sin(x^2) = (x^2) - ((x^2)^3)/3! + ((x^2)^5)/5! - ((x^2)^7)/7! + ...

simplifying the expression:

sin(x^2) = x^2 - (x^6)/3! + (x^10)/5! - (x^14)/7! + ...

Now, let's integrate sin(x^2) by integrating each term separately:

∫ sin(x^2) dx = ∫ (x^2) dx - ∫ (x^6)/3! dx + ∫ (x^10)/5! dx - ∫ (x^14)/7! dx + ...

The integral of each term gives:

∫ (x^2) dx = (1/3) x^3 + C1 (integration constant)

∫ (x^6)/3! dx = (1/7) x^7 + C2

∫ (x^10)/5! dx = (1/11) x^11 + C3

∫ (x^14)/7! dx = (1/15) x^15 + C4

Combining all the terms, we get:

∫ sin(x^2) dx = (1/3) x^3 - (1/7) x^7/3! + (1/11) x^11/5! - (1/15) x^15/7! + C

where C represents the integration constant.

So, the integral of sin(x^2)dx as an infinite series is:

(1/3) x^3 - (1/7) x^7/3! + (1/11) x^11/5! - (1/15) x^15/7! + ...

Please note that this is an infinite series approximation of the integral and may not represent the exact value of the integral.