In the number 722,463 which place contains digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other

hundred place is 10 times as great as tenth place

huh? 400 = 10 * 60?

To determine the place in the number 722,463 where one digit is ten times as great as the other, we need to compare each digit to its adjacent digit.

Here's how to do it:

1. Start by breaking down the number 722,463 into its individual digits:
- The digit in the hundreds of thousands place: 7
- The digit in the ten thousands place: 2
- The digit in the thousands place: 2
- The digit in the hundreds place: 4
- The digit in the tens place: 6
- The digit in the ones place: 3

2. Compare each digit to its adjacent digit:
- Compare the digit in the hundreds of thousands place (7) to the digit in the ten thousands place (2). The digit in the hundreds of thousands place is not ten times as great as the digit in the ten thousands place.
- Compare the digit in the ten thousands place (2) to the digit in the thousands place (2). They are equal, so one is not ten times as great as the other.
- Compare the digit in the thousands place (2) to the digit in the hundreds place (4). The digit in the thousands place is not ten times as great as the digit in the hundreds place.
- Compare the digit in the hundreds place (4) to the digit in the tens place (6). The digit in the hundreds place is not ten times as great as the digit in the tens place.
- Compare the digit in the tens place (6) to the digit in the ones place (3). The digit in the tens place is ten times as great as the digit in the ones place.

From this comparison, we can conclude that in the number 722,463, the tens place contains digits where one digit (6) is ten times as great as the other (3).