mamta read 2/5 of a book on monday and 3/8 of the remaining book on tuesday.find the part of the book left unread after tuesday find the total no of pages in the book if 48 pages are left unread.

2/5 = 16/40

3/8 = 15/40

16/40 + 15/40 = 31/40

40/40 - 31/40 = 9/40

(9/40)x = 48

To find the part of the book left unread after Tuesday, we need to calculate the portion Mamta has read on both Monday and Tuesday. Let's break down the steps:

1. Determine the portion Mamta read on Monday:
- She read 2/5 of the book.
- So, the portion left unread after Monday is 1 - 2/5 (which is 3/5).

2. Find the remaining portion after Tuesday:
- On Tuesday, Mamta read 3/8 of the remaining book.
- Therefore, the portion left unread after Tuesday is 1 - 3/8 (which is 5/8).

3. Find the total number of pages in the book:
- We know that 48 pages are left unread.
- Since the portion left unread after Tuesday is 5/8, we can set up a proportion:

(5/8) = 48 / Total number of pages

To solve for the total number of pages, we can cross-multiply:

5/8 * Total number of pages = 48

Multiply both sides by 8/5 to isolate the Total number of pages variable:

Total number of pages = (48 * 8) / 5

Calculate the Total number of pages:

Total number of pages = 384 / 5 = 76.8

Since the number of pages in a book cannot have decimal places, we can assume that the book has 76 pages.

Therefore, the part of the book left unread after Tuesday is 5/8, and the total number of pages in the book is 76.