16.   Identify the action verb in the following sentence.

Barry diligently writes to his grandmother every week.





17.   Identify the linking verb in the following sentence.

Michael is very compassionate.




18.   Identify the action verb in the following sentence.

Robert jumped from the parallel bars during his gymnastics routine.





19.   In which sentence is the word MY used as an interjection?

My, what a beautiful suit you are wearing!

My car almost went off the curvy road!

Do not mess with any of my things!***

I finally found my way out of the creepy house!

19 is wrong. The others are right.


To identify the action verb in a sentence, you need to look for the word or words that describe the action being performed. In the first sentence, "Barry diligently writes to his grandmother every week," the action verb is "writes."

To identify the linking verb in a sentence, you need to look for a verb that connects the subject of the sentence to a word or words that describe or identify the subject. In the second sentence, "Michael is very compassionate," the linking verb is "is."

To identify the interjection in a sentence, you need to look for a word or phrase that expresses strong emotion or surprise but does not grammatically connect to the rest of the sentence. In the fourth sentence, "Do not mess with any of my things!" the word "my" is used as an interjection.