7. Write the equation of a trend line.

Number of hours 8 5 12 10 2 9 11 14
Score% 7562 80 85 35 70 82 95

see http://www.jiskha.com/display.cgi?id=1474984965

Do this one the same way that I did the other one.

(5,80) and (12,85)

To write the equation of a trend line, you would need to use linear regression, which helps you find the line that best fits the given data points. In this case, we have two sets of data: the number of hours and the corresponding score percentages.

Using a mathematical software or tool, you can calculate the equation of the trend line by following these steps:

1. Input the given data into the software. The number of hours will be your independent variable (x) and the score percentages will be your dependent variable (y).

2. Perform linear regression analysis on the data. This analysis will calculate the slope and intercept of the trend line that minimizes the overall distance between the line and the data points.

3. Once the linear regression analysis is complete, the software will provide you with the equation of the trend line in the form of "y = mx + b", where "m" represents the slope and "b" represents the y-intercept.

By plugging in the values for "m" and "b" from the software's output, you can obtain the specific equation of the trend line.