the population of a town increases 5% each year.if its present population is 114700 what Will be its population next year

uh, 5% more, right?

The population will be 1,20,435 as 114700*1.05 = 120435.

To calculate the population of the town next year, we need to apply the given growth rate of 5%.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal. Divide the percentage by 100.
5% = 5/100 = 0.05

Step 2: Multiply the present population by the growth rate to get the increase in population.
Increase in population = Present population * Growth rate
Increase in population = 114,700 * 0.05 = 5,735

Step 3: Add the increase in population to the present population to get the next year's population.
Next year's population = Present population + Increase in population
Next year's population = 114,700 + 5,735 = 120,435

Therefore, the population of the town next year will be 120,435.