which of the following is an example of human-caused durbance to an ecosystem

a. a tsunmi destroys a coastal forest and causes flooding
b. a river is diverted to irrigate farmlands during a drought
c. after a volcanic eruption, global avarage temperatures lower***
d. the snow cover of a region grows and shrinks throughout the year

please anyone

Do people cause volcanic eruptions?

The correct answer is b. a river is diverted to irrigate farmlands during a drought. This is an example of human-caused disturbance to an ecosystem because it involves the alteration of natural water flow patterns, which can have negative impacts on the species and habitats dependent on the river.

To determine which of the following is an example of a human-caused disturbance to an ecosystem, let's review the options one by one and analyze their causes and effects:

a. A tsunami destroys a coastal forest and causes flooding.
This option describes a natural disaster caused by an earthquake or other geological events, which are beyond human control. Therefore, it is not human-caused.

b. A river is diverted to irrigate farmlands during a drought.
This option involves human intervention where a river's flow is altered to the land for agricultural purposes. The diversion of a river to irrigate land during a drought is an example of a human-caused disturbance to an ecosystem. It can affect the natural flow of the river, impacting downstream ecosystems and altering the habitat of various organisms.

c. After a volcanic eruption, global average temperatures lower.
This option describes the effects of a natural event, a volcanic eruption. Volcanic eruptions release large amounts of ash and gases into the atmosphere, which can influence climate patterns. However, it is not an example of a human-caused disturbance.

d. The snow cover of a region grows and shrinks throughout the year.
This option describes a natural phenomenon that occurs due to seasonal changes and climate patterns. It is not due to human activities, so it is not a human-caused disturbance.

Based on the analysis, option b, "A river is diverted to irrigate farmlands during a drought," is the example of a human-caused disturbance to an ecosystem.