Annabelle and Navene are multiplying (4275)(4372).

Annabelle's Work
(4275)(4372) = 42 + 375 + 2 = 4577
Navene's Work
(4275)(4372) = 42⋅375⋅2 = 46710
Is either of them correct? Explain your reasoning.
Those numbers have exponents in them. I've been trying to find the answer online and people kept saying that neither of them are right. I've been trying for 1 whole hour to find the answer to this question. Please help me!

Try reposting, using ^ for exponents, as

10^2 = 100
3^3 = 27

I don't see any exponents in your problem.

Here's your answer.

I apologize for any confusion you may have encountered. To accurately multiply the numbers (4275)(4372), you need to follow the standard multiplication algorithm, which involves multiplying each digit of one number by each digit of the other number and then adding the products together.

Here's the correct step-by-step approach:

Step 1: Multiply the units digits of the two numbers: 5 × 2 = 10.
Write down the "0" and carry over the "1" to the next step.

Step 2: Multiply the tens digits of the two numbers: 7 × 2 = 14.
Since this is the second digit from the right, we need to shift the result one position to the left (i.e., adding a "0" at the right end), making it 140.

Step 3: Multiply the units digit of the first number by the hundreds digit of the second number: 5 × 7 = 35.
Write down the "35" and add the carried-over "1" from Step 1: 35 + 1 = 36.
Since this is the third digit from the right, shift the result two positions to the left (i.e., adding two "0"s at the right end), making it 3600.

Step 4: Multiply the tens digit of the first number by the hundreds digit of the second number: 2 × 7 = 14.
Write down the "14" and add a "0" to the right end, making it 140.

Step 5: Add up all the partial products:
45700 + 3600 + 140 = 49440.

Therefore, the correct calculation for (4275)(4372) is 49440.

Both Annabelle's and Navene's calculations are incorrect. Annabelle's approach seems to involve adding the individual digits together rather than multiplying them, and Navene's approach multiplies the digits but does not properly consider the positions.

I hope this clarifies your question. Let me know if you need further assistance!

I'm sorry to hear that you've been having trouble finding the answer to your question. Let's clarify the issue with the exponents first. The expression (4275)(4372) does not contain any exponents. It represents the product or multiplication of the two numbers, 4275 and 4372. Exponents are written as superscripts, such as 2^3 which means 2 raised to the power of 3.

To find the correct product of the two numbers, we can perform the multiplication step by step.

Let's start with Annabelle's work:
(4275)(4372) = 42 + 375 + 2 = 4577

Annabelle seems to have added the individual digits of each number together instead of multiplying them. This is incorrect.

Now let's look at Navene's work:
(4275)(4372) = 42⋅375⋅2 = 46710

Navene seems to have multiplied the individual digits together instead of the whole numbers. This is also incorrect.

To find the correct product, you need to multiply the whole numbers together:

(4275)(4372) = 18,704,100

So, neither Annabelle nor Navene's answers are correct. The correct answer is 18,704,100.

I hope I was able to clear up any confusion. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!