which of the following powers can congress exercise according to the constitution?

1. abolishing jury trials
2. collecting taxes
3. declaring war
4. requiring people to vote

my best answer is 1 and 3

3 is right.

is it 2 and 3

Yes, 2 and 3.

According to the Constitution, the powers of Congress are outlined in Article I, Section 8. Let's go through each option to determine which powers Congress can exercise:

1. Abolishing jury trials: The Constitution guarantees the right to a trial by jury in criminal cases. Congress does not have the power to abolish jury trials as this would violate the rights protected by the Constitution. Therefore, Congress does not have this power.

2. Collecting taxes: This power is explicitly granted to Congress in Article I, Section 8. Congress has the authority to collect taxes from individuals and businesses to finance the operations of the federal government.

3. Declaring war: The Constitution grants Congress the power to declare war in Article I, Section 8. This means that it is the responsibility of Congress to officially authorize the country's involvement in an armed conflict.

4. Requiring people to vote: The Constitution does not grant Congress the power to require people to vote. While Congress has the authority to regulate the manner in which elections are conducted, this does not extend to mandating that individuals vote.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is 2 and 3. Congress has the powers to collect taxes and declare war according to the Constitution.