The narrative of a crime report and the narrative of an arrest report:

a. are totally different
b. need to be written in present tense and passive voice,
c. follow the same rules
d follow different rules

What does your text say?

c. follow the same rules

The narrative of a crime report and the narrative of an arrest report generally follow the same rules, as they both serve to document incidents related to criminal activities. However, there may be some differences in the specific details emphasized in each type of report.

Both crime reports and arrest reports should typically be written using a clear and concise style, focusing on providing accurate and objective information. Regardless of the type of report, it is generally advisable to use a neutral tone while avoiding personal opinions or biased language.

In terms of tense and voice, it is common for both crime reports and arrest reports to be written in the past tense and in an active voice. This helps to clearly indicate that the reported events have already taken place. Using the active voice ensures that the subjects performing the actions are clearly conveyed, making the report more reader-friendly.

To write an effective crime or arrest report, it is important to include relevant and factual details such as the date, time, location, and a description of the people involved. Both reports should also provide a chronological account of the events, highlighting any significant actions, evidence, or witness statements.

Overall, while the specifics of the incidents will differ between crime reports and arrest reports, they generally adhere to the same fundamental principles of clear, objective, and accurate documentation.