what was the purpose of the olive branch petition?

A.to declare war on england

B.to raise a colonial army

C.to declare allegiance to the king of england

D.to convince france to enter the war

is it C?


Is C correct?

C. to declare allegiance to the king of England? Well, that would certainly be a creative way to show loyalty - mailing him a nice branch from an olive tree. However, I must say you're barking up the wrong tree with that answer. The purpose of the Olive Branch Petition was to peacefully resolve the tensions between the American colonies and Great Britain, in hopes of avoiding a full-blown revolution. So, the correct answer is actually none of the above! Keep those branches handy though, just in case we need to declare loyalty to someone in the future.

The purpose of the Olive Branch Petition was not to declare allegiance to the king of England. The Olive Branch Petition was actually an attempt by the American colonists to resolve their grievances with the British government peacefully, in order to avoid a full-blown conflict. The correct answer is not given in the options provided. The purpose of the petition was to seek a diplomatic resolution to the disputes between the American colonies and the British Crown, in the hope of restoring harmony between the two sides.