Is |-13| and -13 the same or different?

|-13| = +13

which is not -13

Thankyou so much!!! I remember now!

You are welcome.

|-13| and -13 are different.

|-13| represents the absolute value of -13. The absolute value of a number is the distance of that number from zero on the number line, ignoring its sign. In this case, |-13| is equal to 13.

On the other hand, -13 is a negative number, indicated by the negative sign (-). It represents a value that is 13 units to the left of zero on the number line.

To determine the absolute value of a number, you can follow this process:
- If the number is positive, the absolute value remains the same. For example, the absolute value of 13 is 13.
- If the number is negative, you need to remove the negative sign to find the absolute value. For example, the absolute value of -13 is 13.