Please how I solve this equation giving the domain of -3 I know that i have to replace the -3 where the x is but I do not know how to solve with the fraction. Thank you.


how about multiply each term by 3, and look, no more fraction:

-6x + y = 4
now replace your x with -3
-6(-3) + y = 4
18 + y = 4
y = 4 - 18 = -14

oops. Forgot to multiply the 4

Yup, my oops. Thanks

To solve the equation -2x + (1/3)y = 4 with a given domain of -3, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Replace x with -3 in the equation.
-2(-3) + (1/3)y = 4

Step 2: Simplify the equation.
6 + (1/3)y = 4

Step 3: Isolate the variable "y" by moving the constant term to the other side of the equation.
(1/3)y = 4 - 6
(1/3)y = -2

Step 4: Solve for y by multiplying both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of (1/3), which is 3/1 or simply 3.
y = (-2) * 3
y = -6

Therefore, when the domain is -3, the value of y is -6.