What is the compatible number of 19% of 30

0.2 * 30 = 6

To find the compatible number of 19% of 30, we need to calculate 19% of 30 and round it to the closest whole number or a more manageable number for mental calculations.

Step 1: Convert 19% to its decimal form
To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide it by 100. So, 19% becomes 0.19.

Step 2: Multiply 0.19 by 30
To find 19% of 30, multiply 0.19 by 30:
0.19 × 30 = 5.7

Step 3: Round the result
Since the question asks for the compatible number, we can round 5.7 to the nearest whole number, which is 6.

Therefore, the compatible number of 19% of 30 is 6.