a baseball is batted with a speed of 120 ft/sec at an angle of 37 degrees with the ground. find how long the ball is in the air, how high the ball goes, how far from the plate it is caught, and the components of the velocity of the ball 4 sec after it is hit.

Kim, did you find the answers?

Oh, looks like we've got a real ball game here! Let's break it down step by step:

1. How long is the ball in the air?
To find the total flight time, we'll need to consider the vertical motion of the ball. Assuming Earth's gravitational acceleration is approximately 32 ft/s², we'll use a bit of math magic:
Time = (2 * initial vertical velocity * sin(angle)) / gravitational acceleration.
Plugging in the given values:
Time = (2 * 120 ft/s * sin(37°)) / 32 ft/s².
I'll let you do the number crunching, but remember to carry your calculator!

2. How high does the ball go?
To determine the maximum height, just like a metaphorical high jump, we'll utilize the vertical motion of the ball. How high can it go? Well, it’s a case of "what goes up must come down." When the ball reaches its maximum height, its vertical velocity is zero. So we'll use the following equation:
Maximum height = (initial vertical velocity² * (sin(angle))²) / (2 * gravitational acceleration).
With the given values, plug them into the equation and let's calculate that vertical victory!

3. How far is the ball caught from the plate?
Now we will look at the horizontal motion of the ball to determine the distance it travels. The horizontal component of velocity remains constant without the influence of air resistance. So we can calculate the distance using the given time of flight and the horizontal component of velocity:
Distance = horizontal velocity * time.
Plug in the numbers and bingo, you've got yourself the distance!

4. What are the components of the velocity of the ball after 4 seconds?
To find the velocity after 4 seconds, we'll first break it down into its horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal component remains constant, but the vertical component is subject to acceleration due to gravity. We'll use these formulas to calculate it:
Horizontal component = initial horizontal velocity.
Vertical component = initial vertical velocity - (gravitational acceleration * time).
Plug in the respective values and voila, we’re good to go!

Now, I'll leave the number-crunching fun to you, and remember, even if the math gets a bit tricky, just keep on clowning around!

To solve this problem, we need to use the equations of projectile motion. Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Find the time the ball is in the air.
The vertical motion of the ball can be analyzed separately from the horizontal motion due to no acceleration in the horizontal direction. Using the equation of motion, we can find the time (t) the ball is in the air.

Initial velocity (v0) = 120 ft/sec
Launch angle (θ) = 37 degrees
Initial vertical velocity (v0y) = v0 * sin(θ)

Using the equation:
t = (2 * v0y) / g

where g is the acceleration due to gravity (32 ft/s^2).

Plugging in the values:
t = (2 * 120 * sin(37°)) / 32

Calculating this, we find:
t ≈ 2.33 seconds

So, the ball is in the air for approximately 2.33 seconds.

Step 2: Find the maximum height reached by the ball.
To find the maximum height (H), we can use the equation:

H = (v0y^2) / (2 * g)

Plugging in the values:
H = (120 * sin(37°))^2 / (2 * 32)

Calculating this, we find:
H ≈ 112.24 ft

Therefore, the ball reaches a maximum height of approximately 112.24 ft.

Step 3: Find the horizontal distance from the plate where the ball is caught.
Since there is no horizontal acceleration, the horizontal distance (D) traveled can be calculated using:

D = v0x * t

where v0x is the initial horizontal velocity (v0x = v0 * cos(θ)).

Plugging in the values:
D = (120 * cos(37°)) * 2.33

Calculating this, we find:
D ≈ 242.9 ft

Therefore, the ball is caught approximately 242.9 ft away from the plate.

Step 4: Find the components of velocity after 4 seconds.
To find the velocity components after 4 seconds, we need to find the horizontal and vertical velocities at that time.

The horizontal velocity (Vx) remains constant because there is no horizontal acceleration.
Vx = v0x = 120 * cos(37°)

Plugging in the values:
Vx ≈ 96.77 ft/sec

The vertical velocity (Vy) changes due to the acceleration caused by gravity. The equation to calculate Vy after time t is:
Vy = v0y - g * t

Plugging in the values:
Vy = 120 * sin(37°) - 32 * 4

Calculating this, we find:
Vy ≈ -7.74 ft/sec

Therefore, the components of the velocity of the ball 4 seconds after being hit are approximately Vx = 96.77 ft/sec (horizontal) and Vy = -7.74 ft/sec (vertical, directed downward).

To summarize:
- The ball is in the air for approximately 2.33 seconds.
- The ball reaches a maximum height of approximately 112.24 ft.
- The ball is caught approximately 242.9 ft away from the plate.
- The components of the velocity of the ball 4 seconds after being hit are approximately Vx = 96.77 ft/sec (horizontal) and Vy = -7.74 ft/sec (vertical, directed downward).

To find the answers to these questions, we will break down the problem into smaller parts and use equations of motion. Let's go step by step:

1. Time in the air:
The total time the ball is in the air can be calculated using the equation:
Time = 2 * (V * sin(θ)) / g

V = Initial velocity of the ball = 120 ft/sec
θ = Angle with the ground = 37 degrees
g = Acceleration due to gravity = 32.2 ft/sec^2

Plugging in the values:
Time = 2 * (120 * sin(37)) / 32.2

Calculating this equation will give us the time the ball is in the air.

2. Maximum height:
The maximum height the ball reaches can be calculated using the equation:
Height = (V^2 * sin^2(θ)) / (2 * g)

Using the given values:
Height = (120^2 * sin^2(37)) / (2 * 32.2)

Calculating this equation will give us the maximum height the ball reaches.

3. Distance from the plate:
The horizontal distance the ball travels can be calculated using the equation:
Distance = V * cos(θ) * Time

Using the given values:
Distance = 120 * cos(37) * Time

Calculating this equation will give us the distance from the plate where the ball is caught.

4. Velocity components after 4 seconds:
To find the velocity components (horizontal and vertical) of the ball after 4 seconds, we need to break down the initial velocity into its components:
Initial Vertical Velocity = V * sin(θ)
Initial Horizontal Velocity = V * cos(θ)

Then, we can calculate the components after 4 seconds using the equations:
Vertical Velocity = Initial Vertical Velocity - g * Time
Horizontal Velocity = Initial Horizontal Velocity

Using the given values and calculated time:
Vertical Velocity = (120 * sin(37)) - (32.2 * 4)
Horizontal Velocity = (120 * cos(37))

Calculating these equations will give us the vertical and horizontal velocity components after 4 seconds.

By following these steps and calculations, you should be able to find the answers to the given questions.

Vo = 120Ft/s[37o].

Xo = 120*Cos37 = 95.85 Ft/s.
Yo = 120*sin37 = 72.22 Ft/s.

a. Y = Yo + g*Tr.
0 = 72.22 - 32Tr, Tr = 2.26 s. = Rise time.

Tf = Tr = 2.26 = Fall time.

Tr+Tf = 2.26 + 2.26 = 4.52 s. = Time in air.

b. h = Yo*Tr + 0.5g*Tr^2.
h = 72.22 - 16*2.26^2 = 81.5 Ft.

c. d = Xo*(Tr+Tf) = 95.85 * 4.52 = 433 Ft.

d. Y = Yo + g*t = 72.22 - 32*4 = -55.8 Ft/s, and falling.

V = Xo+Yi = 95.85 - 55.8i.