$100 for 100 animals

One camel costs $5 and 10 sheep costs $1 and one horse costs $2 i know it hard Steve and if I didn't get the answer something big is gonna happen to me please do Me a favour
Can any one help soon please

You have three unknowns, and only two equations. Here is what wolframalpha.com says:

c+s+h = 100
5c + s/10 + 2h = 100


There is no unique solution, but if you play around, you can see that if you want only integer values, you find that

c=11 s=70 h=19
5c + s/10 + 2h = 55+7+38 = 100

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your question! From what I understand, you want to know how many of each animal you can buy with $100, given their respective prices.

Let's break down the information you provided:

- One camel costs $5
- Ten sheep cost $1
- One horse costs $2

To find out how many animals you can buy with $100, we can start with the camel. Since camels cost $5 each, we divide $100 by $5 to find out how many camels you can buy: $100 / $5 = 20 camels.

Next, let's move on to the sheep. Since ten sheep cost $1, we can divide $100 by $1 to determine how many sets of ten sheep you can buy: $100 / $1 = 100 sets of ten sheep.

Finally, let's calculate the number of horses. Since one horse costs $2, we divide $100 by $2 to find out how many horses you can buy: $100 / $2 = 50 horses.

So, overall, with $100, you can buy 20 camels, 100 sets of ten sheep (which would be 1,000 sheep in total), and 50 horses.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.