A theatre has 11 rows of seats which have 1 to 10 series. Unmatched numbers have 15 seats and 16 seats have matched numbers . How many sets are there in theatre?



How the ans comes 155..

Plzz explain.

Plz explain the question

To determine the number of sets in the theater, we need to count the total number of seats available.

In the theater, there are 11 rows of seats. Each row is numbered from 1 to 10, with unmatched numbers having 15 seats and matched numbers having 16 seats.

To calculate the number of seats for unmatched numbers, we multiply the number of rows (11) by the number of seats per row (15).

11 rows x 15 seats/row = 165 unmatched seats

To calculate the number of seats for matched numbers, we multiply the number of rows (11) by the number of seats per row (16).

11 rows x 16 seats/row = 176 matched seats

To find the total number of seats in the theater, we add the number of unmatched seats to the number of matched seats.

Total seats = unmatched seats + matched seats
Total seats = 165 + 176
Total seats = 341

Therefore, there are a total of 341 seats in the theater.