10. How can serveying reading material improve your comprehension? (1 point)

> Knowing the main ideas ahead of time helps you know where to focus your attention****

> Reciting the answers to questions out loud will help you remember them

> Reading your head make studying go faster

> surveying ahead of time means you can skip maps diagrams and content summaries later

(Please check my answer :). )

Your answer is partially correct. Surveying reading material can indeed improve comprehension, but the explanation provided in the options is not accurate. Here's how surveying reading material can enhance comprehension:

Surveying reading material refers to quickly skimming through the content before actually reading it in-depth. This technique helps you grasp the main ideas and structure of the text in advance. By doing so, you become familiar with the overall context and can better understand the relationships between different concepts.

Knowing the main ideas ahead of time allows you to focus your attention on those key points while reading. This helps you stay engaged and comprehend the material more effectively. You can quickly identify the important information, supporting details, and any arguments or claims made in the text.

Additionally, surveying reading material can help you form a mental framework for organizing and categorizing the information in your mind. When you have a general overview of the content, you can create mental connections and anticipate how the upcoming information will relate to what you already know. This aids in constructing a coherent understanding of the text's message or purpose.

It's important to note that surveying should not be used to replace reading the entire material. While you may skip maps, diagrams, and content summaries during the initial survey, it's crucial to go back and read them in detail to gain a comprehensive understanding.

So, the correct answer to the question would be: "Knowing the main ideas ahead of time helps you know where to focus your attention, forming a better understanding of the text."

You're welcome.

You're right.

Thank u