Verb used in the following sentence-

1) me after some days (talk,talked,will talk)

It could be either past or future tense. Either one would make sense. What is this sentence's context? Anything?

"Talked" if event is past, and "will talk" if you expect it in the future.

I thnk it shud be will talk because itis in a future tense

To determine the verb used in the sentence, we can look for the word that represents the action being described. In this case, the verb is the word that describes what "she" did.

The given options are:
1) talk
2) talked
3) will talk

In the sentence, " me after some days," the verb should be in the past tense, as indicated by the phrase "after some days." This rules out the option "will talk," which is in the future tense.

Between "talk" and "talked," the correct answer is "talked." "Talked" is the past tense form of the verb "talk." In the sentence, it indicates that the action of talking happened in the past.