Which of these is an example of a hereditary risk factor?

A. Smoking

B. Eating Junk Food Everyday

C. Being A Couch Potato

D. Having Fair Skin That Is Prone To Sunburn

I don't know which one I should choose. PLZ HELP.

IM KIDDING! its most defiantly D!

Which does not have a learning component?

To determine which option is an example of a hereditary risk factor, let's first understand what hereditary means. Hereditary refers to a trait or characteristic that is passed down from parents to their offspring through their genes. In the given options, we need to identify the one related to genetics.

A. Smoking: Smoking is a lifestyle choice and not directly related to hereditary factors.

B. Eating Junk Food Everyday: While unhealthy eating habits may have an impact on health, it is not primarily influenced by genetics.

C. Being A Couch Potato: Similar to option B, being a couch potato is a lifestyle choice and not directly determined by genetics.

D. Having Fair Skin That Is Prone To Sunburn: This option mentions having fair skin, which is determined by genetic factors. Fair skin is more susceptible to sunburn due to lower levels of melanin, a pigment that protects the skin from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Therefore, option D is an example of a hereditary risk factor.

So, the correct answer is D. Having Fair Skin That Is Prone To Sunburn.


Itd a

it is smoking. if you smoke you are taking a risk at your live and you will die sooner than people who don't smoke or drink. This goes the same way with vaping. Trust me. its A