Five coins are tossed 3200 times find the frequencies of distribution of heads & tails & tabulate the results. Calculate the mean number of success & the standard deviation.

To find the frequencies of distribution of heads and tails, we need to simulate the tossing of coins multiple times and record the number of heads and tails obtained in each toss. Let's break down the process step-by-step:

1. Set up a counter for heads and tails, initially both set to zero.
2. Repeat the following steps for 3200 times:
a. Toss five coins.
b. Count the number of heads and tails.
c. Update the respective counters.
3. Tabulate the results obtained from the counters.

Now let's simulate this using Python code:

import random

# Function to simulate tossing five coins
def toss_coins():
return [random.choice(['H', 'T']) for _ in range(5)]

# Initialize counters
head_count = 0
tail_count = 0

# Toss coins and update counters
for _ in range(3200):
result = toss_coins()
head_count += result.count('H')
tail_count += result.count('T')

# Print the frequencies of heads and tails
print("Head frequency:", head_count)
print("Tail frequency:", tail_count)

Running this code will give you the frequencies of heads and tails.

To calculate the mean number of successes (heads), divide the total number of heads by the number of trials (3200):

mean = head_count / 3200
print("Mean number of successes:", mean)

To calculate the standard deviation, we need to calculate the variance first. The variance is the average of the squared differences from the mean. Here's how you can calculate it:

variance = sum((result.count('H') - mean) ** 2 for _ in range(3200)) / 3200

Finally, the standard deviation is the square root of the variance:

standard_deviation = variance ** 0.5
print("Standard deviation:", standard_deviation)

Running these last two calculations will give you the mean number of successes and the standard deviation.

To find the frequencies of distribution of heads and tails, we need to analyze the outcomes of tossing five coins 3200 times.

First, we will calculate the frequencies of distribution for each possible outcome (0 to 5 heads). Let's start by making a table:

| Number of Heads | Frequency |
| 0 | ? |
| 1 | ? |
| 2 | ? |
| 3 | ? |
| 4 | ? |
| 5 | ? |

To fill in the table, we need to use the binomial distribution formula:

P(X = k) = (n choose k) * p^k * (1-p)^(n-k)

- P(X = k) is the probability of getting k heads
- n is the number of coin tosses (3200)
- k is the number of heads (0 to 5)
- p is the probability of getting a head on a single coin toss (0.5)

To calculate the frequencies, we can multiply the probabilities by the total number of tosses (3200).

For example, when k = 0:
P(X = 0) = (3200 choose 0) * 0.5^0 * (1-0.5)^(3200-0) = 1 * 1 * 0.5^3200 ≈ 0

Since this probability is close to zero, we can assume that the frequency for 0 heads is approximately 0.

We repeat this calculation for each value of k to fill in the table. The remaining calculations can be performed using a calculator or spreadsheet software.

After calculating the frequencies, the table should look like this:

| Number of Heads | Frequency |
| 0 | 0 |
| 1 | ? |
| 2 | ? |
| 3 | ? |
| 4 | ? |
| 5 | ? |

To calculate the mean number of successes, we multiply the number of successes (0 to 5 heads) by their respective frequencies, sum them up, and divide by the total number of tosses.

Mean = (0 * frequency_0 + 1 * frequency_1 + 2 * frequency_2 + 3 * frequency_3 + 4 * frequency_4 + 5 * frequency_5) / 3200

To calculate the standard deviation, we need to calculate the variance first. The variance formula is as follows:

Variance = (0^2 * frequency_0 + 1^2 * frequency_1 + 2^2 * frequency_2 + 3^2 * frequency_3 + 4^2 * frequency_4 + 5^2 * frequency_5) / 3200 - Mean^2

Once we have the variance, we can calculate the standard deviation by taking the square root of the variance.

Standard Deviation = √(Variance)

Let's calculate the frequencies, mean, and standard deviation together.

pls anyone suggest the ans. asap