Suppose you but 5/8 of a hard of fabric for 2.50. What is the price of the fabric per hard?

Do you mean you bought 5/8 yard of fabric?

Well it's a algebra statement . What is the equation ?

Algebra statements make sense. This does not make sense.

To find the price of the fabric per yard, we need to divide the total cost by the total amount of fabric purchased.

Step 1: Calculate the cost per yard
Cost per yard = Total cost / Total yards purchased

In this case, we know the total cost is $2.50 and we need to find the total yards purchased.

Step 2: Determine the total yards purchased
If you bought 5/8 of a yard of fabric, we need to find what fraction of a yard is equivalent to $2.50.

To find the total yards purchased, we can set up a proportion using the fraction of fabric purchased and the cost:

(5/8) yards / $2.50 = 1 yard / x dollars

Step 3: Solve the proportion
Cross-multiply the proportion:

(5/8) * x = 1 * $2.50

Step 4: Simplify and find x
Multiply both sides of the equation:

(5/8) * x = $2.50

To isolate x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of (5/8):

x = ($2.50) * (8/5)

Simplify the expression:

x = $4.00

Step 5: Calculate the cost per yard
Now that we know the total cost is $2.50 and the total yards purchased is 1 yard, we can calculate the cost per yard:

Cost per yard = Total cost / Total yards purchased
Cost per yard = $2.50 / 1 yard
Cost per yard = $2.50

Therefore, the price of the fabric per yard is $2.50.