A car moved with a speed of 60km/h for 2 hours and then with a speed of 80km/h for the next 1 hour.calculate the total distance covered by the car


wrong. distance = speed * time, not speed/time

(and you can't figure 80/1 = 80?)

If you had watched your units, you'd have seen that

(60km/hr) / (2hr) = 30 km/hr^2
when you wanted km

well of course you don't. That's why I told you that

distance = speed * time

So, for each part of the trip, multiply the speed by the time.

Then add those two numbers.

To calculate the total distance covered by the car, we need to find the distances covered during each leg of the journey and then add them together.

First, let's calculate the distance covered during the first 2 hours when the car was moving at a speed of 60 km/h. To do this, we need to multiply the speed (60 km/h) by the time (2 hours):

Distance = Speed × Time = 60 km/h × 2 hours = 120 km

So, the distance covered during the first 2 hours is 120 km.

Next, let's calculate the distance covered during the next 1 hour when the car was moving at a speed of 80 km/h:

Distance = Speed × Time = 80 km/h × 1 hour = 80 km

Therefore, the distance covered during the next 1 hour is 80 km.

To find the total distance covered by the car, we add the distances covered during each leg of the journey:

Total Distance = Distance in First Leg + Distance in Second Leg = 120 km + 80 km = 200 km

So, the total distance covered by the car is 200 km.

I don't know the answer