As part of the reorganization,company X created five new position within the company. However , after the reorganization was complete , company X had fewer employees that before the reorganization

What is your question about this?

To determine how many employees Company X had before the reorganization, you will need information about the number of positions or employees prior to the changes. Without this information, it is not possible to provide an exact answer. However, I can guide you through the steps to figure it out if you have the necessary data.

1. Find information about the company's previous number of positions or employees: You need to gather data about the total number of positions or employees that Company X had before the reorganization. This can be obtained from HR records, company reports, or any other relevant information sources.

2. Subtract the number of new positions from the previous total: If you have the previous number of positions or employees, subtract the five new positions created during the reorganization. This will give you a rough estimate of the number of employees after the reorganization.

For example, if Company X had 100 employees before the reorganization and created five new positions, the total number of employees after the reorganization would be 95 (100 - 5 = 95).

Keep in mind that this is a simplified approach, and there may be additional factors to consider, such as layoffs, resignations, or changes in workforce composition, which could affect the final number of employees post-reorganization.